Federal Bureau Of Investigation (fbi)
U.S. Government: Agencies/Departments/Divisions | Federal Agencies
Recent News About Federal Bureau Of Investigation (fbi)
Analysis: Tennessee ranked #5 for gun sales in 2022
Tennessee ranked #5 for gun sales in 2022, with an estimated 662,695 guns sold, according to federal data compiled in a new report by SafeHome.org.
Tennessee homicide rate estimated at 9.6 per 100,000 last year, FBI reports
Tennessee last year recorded a homicide rate of 9.6 per 100,000 residents, compared to the U.S. rate of 6.5 per 100,000 and the state’s 5.6 rate a decade earlier, according to newly released FBI crime data.
Hope for Justice CEO: 'We must come together across the globe to create societies hostile to human trafficking'
When President Donald Trump proclaimed the month of January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, he called upon industry associations, law enforcement, private businesses, faith-based groups and other organizations to support victims and survivors while holding traffickers accountable for the crime.